Remember me????
Hema ma'm here!
It was a great idea to start a blog for the batch of 2005.Congrats Varun & Ranjana!This could actually act as an info on each one of your whereabouts.Once you join various courses you might find it difficult to keep in touch with your class mates individually.Just post your address on the blog & that will help you reach out to everybody.It will keep people like me immensely happy to hear about your achievements ,successes ,in short, the major milestones in your life.Breathe life into this endeavour!Respond to this request with right earnest.Good Luck!
It was a great idea to start a blog for the batch of 2005.Congrats Varun & Ranjana!This could actually act as an info on each one of your whereabouts.Once you join various courses you might find it difficult to keep in touch with your class mates individually.Just post your address on the blog & that will help you reach out to everybody.It will keep people like me immensely happy to hear about your achievements ,successes ,in short, the major milestones in your life.Breathe life into this endeavour!Respond to this request with right earnest.Good Luck!
Of course we remember you!!
Yeah thats the idea we had - to stay in touch.
Glad to see you blogging, hope to see more!!
This reminds me, I knew contact Haimanta and blog a few of his poems too.
All these poems and pics have set a spark in me to write something more closer to the heart for once.
Anonymous, at Sun May 01, 06:31:00 PM GMT+5:30 you people remember me? I'm Jonathan T. I used to study in Bethany back in the day :D I left for Canada in Grade 8, I believe.. Hema Ma'am, do you remember me?! well anyone else that does know who i am or would like to talk to me anyway... my email is so feel free to add me online or talk to varun or naveen or chirag or etc. to know more about me :D (Actually I hope that's safe :P not completely sure if that's a smart idea)well just kidding but yeah how's life holding up for ya'll in India? take care, and enjoy
Anonymous, at Thu May 05, 04:23:00 AM GMT+5:30
:O Jon actually trusts us!
Anonymous, at Thu May 05, 01:27:00 PM GMT+5:30
well i'm not so sure..quit creating doubts now mate! :P
Anonymous, at Mon May 09, 03:57:00 AM GMT+5:30
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