Ob-Wan Kenobe where are you?
May the force be with you,
P.S - Have you watched 'The Revenge of the Sith'?
Answers | Votes | Percent |
1. Checking and sending e-mails | 8 | 15% |
7. Searching for and/or meeting online friends | 8 | 15% |
2. Downloading music files | 7 | 13% |
3. Downloading softwares | 6 | 12% |
4. Learning casually (for e.g. new technologies, news) | 6 | 12% |
9. Updating Antivirus and other softwares installed on your computer | 6 | 12% |
5. Learning for Academic purpose (e.g. science research, homework) | 5 | 10% |
10. Other stuffs not mentioned | 4 | 8% |
6. Searching for and applying for jobs online | 1 | 2% |
8. Shopping online for small articles | 1 | 2% |
it's not the problem of the hyphens... its just that blogger might be testing new things, resulting in a server shutdown for some time. vishnu is probably having problems with his DNS server.
try accessing other blogs.
send a feedback to blogger with details.
my suggestions (keep the green, its nice)
(if dots r making u afraid, then see at the end)
(in four above try removing dots between green and room)
PS: read my post "Apache Tomcat Errors" in my blog. its somewhere in the archives.
Pretty good site!
Professional design.
"Search your mate"?!! Well that seems to be an out-of-order thing! Are you sure this is not a dupe of shaadi.com? :D
What the hell is SUPW?
SUPW and Community Service : We are supposed to have done some Community work - i think thats what it is. So the grading if for that supposed community work.
Yeah yeah..
Star Wars Episode 10 : The Countess Strikes Back.
By the way how much of silver do we have to give you? :P
Simon and Garfunkel were right after all : "The words of the prophets were written on the subway walls"
:P:P :D
pieces of silver not necessary...but if u want 2 give a donation,the countess will willingly accept!!!!
Well Arun, you need to read the Countess's predictions to know.
Probably I should blog it....
Hey I just realised when I read the post again..
From when did the Countess become a crystal ball "grazer".
sorry..its gazer!!!!
k... this shows ur attitude... hehe
O Temperor! O Morraise! How in the whole wide world did this happen? Ranjana doesn't like Enrique....oh I'm growing faint!! No wonder Bangalore has been this hot for the past few days.
Hmm...so the Backstreet Boys are back. I still remember seeing their video on TV (that "everybody, rock your body" thing) with those rats crawling around the screen. But those days are long past. But from what I'v "heard" this new song of theirs sounds interesting. I shall listen to it today and be the judge...I don't want to create more shockwaves by downloading it, Ranjana has created enough already! But the lyrics still seem the same....
[do i create music or is it music that creates me?]
arun plz explain ur comment!!...don get it!!..........
as 4 enrique,he is a desperate loser!!!....i never thght i wld be the one sayin tht...and i prbly shld have listened 2 u guys!!
Why the sudden change Ranjana? 'Enrique a desperate loser', I really laughed at that one!
its jus coz of a few things i found out abt him and his doings!!!!can't get into too much details...........
btw,thanx 4 the explanation arun,u cldn't have been more clear or rite!!!
i think what u said is really relevant....especially 4 us....i think part of the spice of life is daring to be different...........like some1 once said..."Do not go where the path leads,go ur own way and make a path urself"...or somethin 2 tht extent!!!!
Hi "who ever you are".
Tell me, do you see yourself in someplace five to ten years from now? Don't you have that desire deep down somewhere to be someone?
What I'm trying to say is that people tend to shy away and chose an easier path. I can't wake up in the morning and go work in someplace knowing that I could have been something and someone else. Yes you can fail. There is no law which says you won't nor is there one which says that you will. But if you can be careful and plot and plan yourself, there are more chances for you to succeed. It all revolves around the attitude you have towards success and failure.
I don't believe that only certain people are gifted. Everyone is gifted in different ways. You simply need to find that 'different way'.
In the end if I don't succeed, at least I will die knowing I tried. I won't have that feeling of regret that 'who knows it could have worked if I had given it a shot'.
But all said and done, there is reality I agree. There is much that life demands out of each one of us. It all boils down to our choice. Are we ready to build a castle or let it remain simply as a floating figment in our sleep?
But if you can believe, and if you are confident and have the right attitude, you have crossed the bridge.
You do make sense in your own way. It's my view, you don't have to subscribe to it.
AHEM...........hmmmmm.....thts a hard one,i guess my parents and also...........i think u guys wld know...!!!!!
My guitar of course!!
It oil or time that stays above huh Arun?
hey it actually the guy i love tht i really won't be able 2 live without!!!
Is the anonymous person Ranjana? Has to be.
Hi life'somuchfun, welcome to the green room!
I'm not trying to be rude but..um...who are you?
Towards 'Anonymous':
'See below' doesn't necessarily mean 'see next line'
Hint: any more explanation is not necessary.
yes i too had a similar experience when i went to the IIT screening test. went in that college n found myself in a sea of nerds. all with traditional nerdy dresses n books n all. i too had a poor preparation but was not worried bout it at all. my mom n dad were worried but they knew i didnt care bout that.
about the bonfire, well go to the hostel n search there, u'll find all my books there. thanks for burning them
ps: i failed the test.
Welcome Ranjana. Congrats you finally experienced it!!
Yeah the parental pressure thing is sick...actually you are giving me a chance to write a whole page about it, but I shall restrain myself for now.
And of course we can imagine you as Dr.Ranjana Pillai MBBS,MD. It totally fits...you in a white labcoat and a microscope in front of you - the perfect picture, the perfect pose. :D
My 'entrance exam' was an experience alright! I wasn't nervous because I was sure I could crack whatever thet gave. So I walked in and I met this character called Goji (pronounce - go-jee), he's mallu and he happens to be some adminstrative head of the Bagalore branch.
I had no idea what the exam was about. So I walked in : armed with pens, pencils, erasers (rubber!) and of course my knowledge. But it turned out that I had to type out the answers.
The questions were framed in such a way that the person reading my answers would know what kind of person I am.
At the end of the hour I thought I won't get through because my answers were too poetical. In fact I went on to talk about 'the brave new world', but I thankfully stopped myself.
But it turned out that what I wrote was understandable and not totally on a tangent - I got through. Phew!
An experience of a different kind - definately.
varun, what 'entrance exam' was it?
Entance exam for the Audio Engineering College I'm joining. Its called SAE.
I remember. I remember every word, every page and every single fault of the mag. Sniff..sniff..the days of the past shall ever return? I wonder.
I dont remember if I thanked everyone though. Heres my chance - thank you all for contributing through articles or/and even through all the 'back stage' work.
Who said there was only one issue? Wait.... ;)
lookin forward 2 Crosswires returning 2 the limelite...where they rightfully belong!!!....im sure i say this 4 every1 when i say tht v'll be at ur concerts in the future holdin up lighters!!!....cheers!!!
- adtc
Awww....I'm touched. I'm serious, I really am. :)
Of course we remember you!!
Yeah thats the idea we had - to stay in touch.
Glad to see you blogging, hope to see more!!
This reminds me, I knew contact Haimanta and blog a few of his poems too.
All these poems and pics have set a spark in me to write something more closer to the heart for once.
uhm...do you people remember me? I'm Jonathan T. I used to study in Bethany back in the day :D I left for Canada in Grade 8, I believe.. Hema Ma'am, do you remember me?! well anyone else that does know who i am or would like to talk to me anyway... my email is thallajonathan@hotmail.com so feel free to add me online or talk to varun or naveen or chirag or etc. to know more about me :D (Actually I hope that's safe :P not completely sure if that's a smart idea)well just kidding but yeah how's life holding up for ya'll in India? take care, and enjoy
:O Jon actually trusts us!
well actually...now i'm not so sure..quit creating doubts now mate! :P
ooooh...i really liked REVENGE OF THE SITH even though im not much of a star wars fan!!!...so i think every1 shld watch it.....if i liked it,any1 wld!!!!
ya and abt the val's DVD....it was a bit corny..the music!!!....but hey its all we have as our memories!!!!....so atleast we can be sure to laugh when we think back on it!!!!
ranjana, at Tue May 31, 08:55:00 PM GMT+5:30
Yeah my poor grand kids!!
Anonymous, at Wed Jun 01, 10:17:00 AM GMT+5:30
hey y r they forcing us to buy the dvd? 600 bucks n nothing worth!! worse, i already have the crap in a cd!!
ADTC, at Wed Jun 01, 11:11:00 PM GMT+5:30
I saw the movie. Ai-i! Somehow I felt George Lucas was trying to bring up something that had its charm only for the 80s. Yes, its definately a treat for all "Star Wars" fans and for those who would like to see the story 'reel' out on reel (like me). But after watching the movie, I still feel the first Star Wars movie (starring Harrison Ford) was the best.
I think the ending made up for the lack in the skill of dialogue writing that stuck out like a sore thumb.
Yes, the effects was good, acting was credible, but the movie is enjoyable for all those "frame stuck" in the Star Wars saga of the 80s (no offence Ranjana!).
Anonymous, at Mon Jun 13, 09:52:00 AM GMT+5:30
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